God's Heart for Justice
He has showed you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8
What does God think about injustice?
He does not like it.
Throughout scripture, God’s heart is bent toward those who are weak, oppressed, and in danger. Psalm 11:7 tells us, He is righteous and loves justice and, a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble, according to Psalm 9:9.
Isaiah 56:1 calls us to, maintain justice and do what is right. The implication is that justice does not happen naturally, and without attention, injustice fills the void. God calls his people to be agents of justice and grace as we serve those in need. He is looking for people to be advocates for those without a voice and dispensers of mercy on those who have no hope.
As you pursue biblical justice your faith will be stretched in ways you cannot fathom. Your senses will be assaulted and your soul unsettled. The experience will be harder than you can imagine, but the results will be better than you could ever dream -- your heart will be changed.
Walk with us. Grow with us. Discover God’s heart for broken people, as we move through the journey of justice and mercy together.
The simple method of blessing people with seeds for life has become a regular part of ministry at Hidden Creek Community Church. Four greenhouses produce vegetable and flower starts for distribution at The Source. A half dozen Seeds of Hope Gardens supplement The Source with fresh fruits, vegetables, and preserves.
Mercy in Action
Putting hands and feet on God's work in our hearts
Having compassion on someone is entering into the emotional pain of their suffering. Having mercy on someone is putting compassion into action to alleviate their condition. As followers of Christ we are commanded to do something about the misery of people’s spirit, soul and body.
In the book, Just Courage, Gary Haugen contends, Doing the work of justice is practicing the one command that sums up all of the Scriptures: To love God with our heart, soul, and mind, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Justice is doing for others what we would want done for us...In a world of injustice, loving intervention on behalf of the oppressed is simple obedience to Jesus’ most fundamental command to love our neighbor. Jesus makes it clear that our neighbor is anyone in need (Luke 10).
So how can we make a difference in the lives of our neighbors? First, by determining that you will be like Christ in giving your life away to others. Second, by choosing to act. Third, by committing to a plan of action. Fourth, by following through.
Hidden Creek Community Church is committed to helping you live out your God-given purpose and calling by providing opportunities for you to respond to the Holy Spirit’s voice.